Yes, I want to give you a Warning! Don’t buy It Works Body Wraps UNLESS you know who you’re getting them from!
The wraps are wildly popular these days! They’re everywhere and so many people are selling them now. They’re on Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist and so many other places! I’ve seen where some are portraying the same wraps as It Works Body Wraps and using the same wording, but the wraps are not the same. Becoming so popular opens the door for imitations, copy-cats, wannabe’s and scammers.
I want to give you a Warning! Do NOT purchase wraps off Ebay, Amazon, or Craigslist. I will tell you, official Distributors, such as myself, are prohibited from selling on these types of selling sites, or any similar site. Distributors are only permitted to sell legitimate It Works Body Wraps from our company sales page. Legit Distributors do not sale on a sites claiming to offer cheap wraps or anything like that.
When you order Wraps (or any It Works Products for that matter) from anyone other than a legal, authorized Distributor, you’re NOT guaranteed that you are #1 receiving the legitimate Ultimate Applicator. You may not even be getting the right product! #2 You also don’t know if you’ll receive a fresh product. You don’t know how long the person has had that product, if it has been sitting in the hot sun or humidity for who knows how long. You may even get a fake or bad product that with who knows what ingredients may on it. #3 The product you get may not even work and you waste your money. Not only that, more than likely, you’ll be upset and will have the perception that our legitimate product doesn’t work!
Not only the fact that that you’re risking your hard earned money, but do you think someone from Ebay or Amazon would take time to talk with you about how to use the product properly or answer questions you may have? How about if you have a question at 9:00 p.m.? Do you think you can get a hold of them? NOT. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve talked with customers and answered their questions/concerns, at all hours. Ordering from a legit distributor gives you someone to go to when you need help. This is my job, I’m here to help YOU, not just to try to sell you something.
I hear from so many people that have purchased our product from somewhere other an a legit Distributor and were never told how to use it, or given wrong information and then come to me asking for help. Many times people will order for other sites or get wraps from whoever just to save a few bucks and in the long run end up wasting their money because the wraps don’t work.
I always make sure my customers and potential customers are aware of the How To & Tips blog on my page. These tips help give you the BEST results with the It Works Body Wraps, when purchased from a LEGITIMATE It Works Distributor. If you follow my instructions EXACTLY, you will get results with the wraps.
It’s your choice as to who you chose to purchase your products from. But, did you know that we have a Discount Program? Its called the Loyal Customer program and it’s a way for people to get real wraps and other It Works products up to 40% off, earn free shipping and earn free product.
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